Thanks For Riding L.A. Metro

Train To Speech - _A650497.jpg

Over the last couple of months this Father has been doing the things Fathers and Mother's do for their children.  Making sure they provide their kids with all of the resources they can so that they become successful in life.  Most recently that has meant taking our oldest into Santa Monica twice a week to attend speech class.  Typically this is about a three hour event.  Takes about 35-45 minutes to get there.  It's an hour long class, and then takes about 90 minutes to get home.  

Because of the appointment's close proximity to the Metro station I decided one Spring break afternoon to give the train a try.  We love it.  First off, it's fast.  Fast as hell, and I don't have to worry about driving on highway 405.  Second, it's reasonably priced.  $3.50 roundtrip for the adult passenger.  Lastly, I find it super important for my boys to get exposed to public transportation.  As a child I rode Bart frequently with my parents and I strongly believe that much of my outlook on life has to do with experiencing all that comes with public transportation. 

The boys and I take the Metro into Santa Monica once a week.  While we haven't yet convinced Gaelyn of it's benefits.  We are working on her to step out of her comfort zone and take the train with the boys to class.  Let's give her some positive affirmation!  You can do it G!

(Scroll to the bottom for a little family video I did on the trip).

Missing The Beach

Missing The Beach

This has been the longest we've spent out of the tiny beach town just south of Santa Barbara. As the days grow longer and warmer, we usually start making trips up the coast once or twice a month.  However, due to an awfully long Winter coupled with the natural disasters that hit the area.  We've been sort of stuck in a holding pattern as Summer approaches.  

Ryan Tatar / 35MM Surf Photography


I've been following Ryan Tatar on Instagram and Twitter for a while now and have really loved some of the imagery.   Especially as I just wake up and being able to browse through the imagery he's captured of waves and wave riders really changes your mood when you wake up. Most excellently enough Korduroy TV has posted a beautiful piece on Ryan and his work using the analog medium and how he's able to capture such great shots of his "sea-tribes".  Hope you enjoy it and follow him on Instagram for updates pretty much daily.  He reminds me of another photographer who works in a completely different field, but gets his kicks out in the real world, with his lens.


Ryan Tatar Instagram:

Ryan Tatar Website:


Walks With The Boy


I spent about two weeks as primary caretaker for my son while transitioning my wife back to her day job. (Her real job is mama, just like mine is papa) Every night around 5PM he'd get really restless and want to go do something. Go outside and just see some new stuff. So I decided to start strapping him on and grabbing my camera to take some snapshots. This day was unique as we were out right during the sweet spot of the sun falling on the horizon. There weren't many clouds and it was an exceptionally beautiful walk for the both of us. (He was a happy camper). Here are a few snaps from this stroll. [gallery columns="2" link="file" ids="99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121"]